For the needs of the Mozaik Foundation, proMENTE built the e-learning platform M-zone, adapted and set up online courses on the e-learning platform for two generations of M-zone students.
In addition, proMENTE monitored and evaluated the M-zone program, and was specifically in charge of:
- setting up, adapting and changing the content of the Curriculum for 7 Courses on the Moodle platform for the first generation of students (2016) and for 4 courses,
- for second generation students of M zone (2017),
- maintaining a platform for all courses of both generations,
- adaptation of content for the online environment,
- application of tools for monitoring and selection of candidates through Test-Invest® methodology,
- application of frameworks and tools for program monitoring and evaluation and assessment of program impact,
- monitoring the progress of candidates,
- sending messages (communication) with candidates,
- sending reports on the progress of candidates through courses and activities,
- setting up and adapting application forms and reporting forms.