Right now we are not looking to take on more staff. However, we do have the following model of cooperation which might interest you. We are building up our database of specialist consultants; these are individuals who are not formally employed by proMENTE, but who might be interested in applying together with proMENTE for tenders and grants, in a field of social research which matches their expertise and our interests. When a suitable opportunity is identified, the consultant usually takes the leading role in preparing the application; and he or she would be named in the proposal budget as an external consultant. Then, if the application is successful, the consultant works on the tasks together with proMENTE staff, usually working from home but spending some time in our offices. The consultant also may or may not take the lead role in implementation.

Consultants applying for cooperation with proMENTE should minimally hold a masters degree. Some live and work in Bosnia-Herzegovina and some are based in other countries.

At proMENTE we highly value our great team atmosphere and aspire to match consultants with our staff members to a mutual satisfaction. Thus, if you are interested in this suggestion and you are able to drop by our office for a chat that would be more than pleasant and useful.